Brush Pilling ball wear tester simulation and under normal conditions of use fabric pilling or pilling properties, can be used include Woven and knitted fabrics, garments and automotive interiors materials. The first six tests, the method is based on the circular trajectory brush grinding two identical samples. Test samples required Pilling rating endoscopy, bollards, or similar box with the ball with the standard picture comparison rating.
平板帶有聚氨酯泡沫表面The plate including Polyurethane foam
圓型樣品夾頭Circle sample camp:660g,軟泡沫橡膠表面soft foam plastic surface
起球幅度Pilling rage:19mm
尼龍刷Nylon brush (高High):25.4mm
方形樣品:夾頭6個,橡膠邊夾具,砂紙背面Consist of square sample, 6 chunks, rubber edge grips, sandpaper.
旋轉速度Rotation speed:58 r/min
海綿體Sponge dimension:尺寸51 × 102 × 152 mm
旋轉計數電子Rotation counter: 999999
電源Power : 220 V/50 Hz
外形尺寸Dimensions:914 × 305 × 381mm(L×W×H)
標準Standards:FORD BN-108-03 GM 9652P ASTM D 3511
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